
Section 19-The Copyright Act, 1957-Mode of assignment

Section 19-The Copyright Act, 1957-Mode of assignment:

1 (1)] No assignment of the copyright in any work shall be valid unless it is in writing signed by the assignor or his duly authorised agent.

2 [3 (2)The assignment of copyright in nay work shall identify such work, and shall specify the rights assigned and the duration and territorial extent of such assignment.

(3) The assignment of copyright in any work shall also specify the amount of royalty payable, if any, to the author or his legal heirs during the currency of the assignment and the assignment shall be subject to revision, extension or termination on terms mutually agreed upon by the parties.

(4) Where the assignee does not exercise the rights assigned to him under any of the other sub sections of this section within a period of one year from the date of assignment, the assignment in respect of such rights shall be deemed to have lapsed after the expiry of the said period unless otherwise specified in the assignment.

(5) If the period of assignment is not stated, it shall be deemed to be five years from the date of assignment.

(6) If the territorial extent of assignment of the rights is not specified, it shall be presumed to extend within India.

(7) Nothing in sub section (2) or sub section (3) or sub section (4) or sub section (5) or sub section (6) shall be applicable to assignments made before the coming into force of the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 1994.]


1. Section 19 re-numbered as sub-section (1) thereof by Act 23 of 1983, sec. 9 (w.e.f. 9-8-1984).

2. Sub-section (2) ins. by Act 23 of 1983, sec. 9 (w.e.f. 9-8-1984).

3. Subs. by Act 38 of 1994, sec. 8, for sub-section (2) (w.e.f. 10-9-1995).

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