
Hindu Marriage Act 1955-India-All Sections

Hindu Marriage Act 1955 Section of Hindu Marriage Act

  • "Short title and extent">1 Section of Hindu Marriage Act              
  • "Application of Act.-">2 Section of Hindu Marriage Act              
  • "Definitions.-">3 Section of Hindu Marriage Act              
  • "Over-riding effect of Act.-">4 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Conditions for a Hindu marriage.-">5 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Guardianship in marriage.-">6 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Ceremonies for a Hindu marriage.-">7 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Registration of Hindu marriages.-">8 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Restitution of conjugal rights.-">9 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Judicial separation.-">10 Section of Hindu Marriage Act              
  • "Void marriages.-">11 Section of Hindu Marriage Act              
  • "Voidable marriages.-">12 Section of Hindu Marriage Act              
  • "Divorce.-">13 Section of Hindu Marriage Act              
  • "Alternate relief in divorce proceedings. —">13A Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Divorce by mutual consent. —-">13B Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Divorced persons when may marry again.-">15 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Legitimacy of children of void and voidable, marriages.-">16 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Punishment of bigamy.-">17 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Punishment for contravention of certain other conditions for a Hindu marriage.-">18 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Court to which petition should be made.-">19 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Contents and verification of petitions.-">20 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Application of Act 5 of 1908.-">21 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Power to transfer petitions in certain cases. —">21A Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Special provision relating to trial and disposal of petitions under the Act. —">21B Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Documentary evidence.-">21C Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Proceedings may be in camera and may not be printed or published.-">22 Section of Hindu Marriage Act
  • "Decree in proceedings.-">23 Section of Hindu Marriage Act                                                        
  • "Repeals.-">29 Section of Hindu Marriage Act                                          
  • "Savings.-">30 Section of Hindu Marriage Act

    1. Any body told me, if wife want to do job forcelly without permission of her husband. Is that her right in any act. That a wife can job without handelling her house responsibility and without permission of her husband..... Plz tell me answer..... Why a husband havenot any right and a wife have all.........

    2. Any body told me , after marriage if wife got a government job than wife want to divos her husband but husband does not want to given divos his wife . than divos possibly or not ...Plg gave me answer

    3. No matter the form of legitimate case, it is always highly recommended to shop all around intended for the most suitable attorney. Look for frank byers decatur il legal representatives whom possess practical knowledge and have an outstanding reputation. In addition, search for lawyers whom offer instruction in addition to placed anyone relaxed.

    4. My Social Wedding was on 17th February 2014. Now I want to do the registry marriage. please Suggest me whether I can do through Special marriage act or by Hindu marriage act? Can I do through special marriage act? one more problem as on registration date my father will be available along with others from my side as witness but none of there side can witness due to health problem of my wife's father. whether this is possible in hindu marriage act

    5. Is this the latest of the Marriage Act? Why has not the Bill of 2013 been added to the law in this webpage ?
