ReportableIN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIACRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTIONCRIMINAL APPEAL NO.1575 OF 2009ANUJ KUMAR GUPTA @ SETHI GUPTA …APPELLANTVERSUSSTATE OF BIHAR …RESPONDENTJ U D G M E N TFAKKIR MOHAMED IBRAHIM KALIFULLA, J.1. This appeal is directed against the judgment of the High Court ofPatna at Bihar dated 02.11.2007, passed in Criminal Appeal No.690 of2005. The said appeal was disposed of along with Criminal AppealNo.606/2005, as well as Death Reference No.8 of 2005.2. To trace the brief facts, the deceased Chhotu Kumar Das @ Abhinav Das(hereinafter referred to as 'Chhotu') son of the informant GopalPrasad Das (PW-6), left his house on 21.04.2002 at about 8.15 p.m.,for visiting a local Mela, which was held every year in the village onthe eve of Ram Navami. Thereafter, he could not be traced inspite ofa search by his parents and, therefore, a written report was submittedby PW-6 at the police station on 22.04.2002 at 10.30 a.m. brieflynarrating the circumstances in which the deceased could not be traced.No suspicion was raised against any person for the disappearance ofthe deceased.3. Based on the written report, the police registered the FIR in P.S.Case No.39/2002 and proceeded with the investigation. Theinvestigation was carried out by PW-9, the Sub-Inspector of Police.In the course of the investigation, he came across some suspiciousmaterials against the appellant by some of the witnesses. PW-9,therefore, interrogated the appellant on 22.04.2002, whereafter he wasarrested. The appellant made a confessional statement before thepolice on 23.04.2002 and based on the admissible portion of the saidconfessional statement, the dead body of the deceased was recoveredfrom a river known as Maldiha Dhar. The co-accused Arun Mandal @ ArunKumar Mandal was also arrested, while another accused Sudhir KumarMandal could not be apprehended on that day. The inquest of the bodywas prepared on 24.4.2002 at 5.00 p.m. and the postmortem wasconducted by PW-10. It was based on the above investigation, theprosecution proceeded against the appellant along with the otheraccused, namely, Girendra Gupta, Arun Mandal and Sudhir Mandal foroffences under Sections 364(A), 302, 201 and 120-B IPC.4. The appellant and the co accused pleaded innocence and the trial Courtproceeded with the case. The prosecution examined PWs-1 to 10 ontheir side. In the 313 questioning, the appellant and the otheraccused made a total denial. The trial Court based on the evidenceplaced before it reached the conclusion that the appellant and the co-accused Arun Mandal, were guilty of the offences falling underSections 364(A), 302, 201 and 120-B, IPC and imposed death penalty onthem and in the light of the said sentence held that no separatesentence was passed against them. The other accused, namely, GirendraGupta and Sudhir Mandal, were acquitted of all the offences chargedagainst them.5. By virtue of the death penalty imposed, the Death Reference No.8 of2005 came to be dealt with by the High Court along with the appealspreferred by the appellant being Criminal Appeal No.690/2005 and theother appeal preferred by the co-accused Arun Mandal in CriminalAppeal No.606/2005. The High Court by the judgment impugned, whileupholding the conviction imposed on the appellant held that no offencewas made out as against Arun Mandal and he was acquitted of all thecharges. As far as the appellant was concerned, while affirming theconviction, the High Court commuted the death sentence to imprisonmentfor life for the offence under Section 302 IPC and held that there wasno sufficient evidence to hold him guilty of the charge under Section364 and 120-B IPC. He was found guilty of charges under Sections 302and 201 IPC.6. We heard Ms. Rakhi Ray, Amicus Curiae for the appellant and Mr. SanatTokas, learned counsel representing Mr. Gopal Singh, learned counselfor the State. Learned counsel for the appellant in her submissionswas mainly contending that this case being one purely based oncircumstantial evidence, the reliance placed upon by the trial Court,as well the High Court on the confessional statement of theappellant made to the investigating officer PW-9 cannot standand, therefore, the conviction and sentence imposed on the appellantis liable to be set aside. The learned counsel was not able toaddress any other submission, while attacking the judgment impugned inthis appeal.7. Learned counsel for the State would contend that the trial Court, aswell as the High Court have gathered the chain of circumstances, whichled to the killing of the deceased by the appellant and since thechain of circumstances was complete in every respect, the convictionand sentence imposed on the appellant does not call for interference.Learned counsel for the State also contended that the trial Court, aswell as the High Court have only placed reliance on the admissibleportion of the confessional statement of the appellant made to PW-9,the investigating officer.8. Having considered the respective submissions of the learned counseland having perused the judgment of the Division Bench, as well as thetrial Court and all other material papers, we find that the onlycontention of the learned counsel for the appellant was that merelybased on the confessional statement of the appellant to PW-9, theInvestigating officer, the conviction came to be imposed and the samewas not in consonance with law.9. When we examine the case on hand, we find that there was no eyewitness to the occurrence. The whole case is based on thecircumstantial evidence, therefore, our only endeavour is to find outwhether the chain of circumstance noted by the trial Court, as well asthe High Court was complete without any disruption in order to confirmthe conviction and sentence imposed on the appellant.10. As far as the admissibility of the confessional statement made by theappellant to the investigating officer PW-9 was concerned, the law onthis aspect is quite clear, which we wish to explain at the veryoutset and before examining the chain of circumstances noted andexplained in the judgment impugned.11. As far as the admissibility of the confessional statement made by anaccused to the police officer is concerned, the law is well settled,which can be succinctly stated by making reference to an earlierdecision of this Court in Bheru Singh v. State of Rajasthan - 1994 (2)SCC 467. In the said decision, paras 16 and 19 can be usefullyreferred, which read as under:"16. A confession or an admission is evidence against the maker of itso long as its admissibility is not excluded by some provision of law.Provisions of Sections 24 to 30 of the Evidence Act and of Section 164of the Code of Criminal Procedure deal with confessions. By virtue ofthe provisions of Section 25 of the Evidence Act, a confession made toa police officer under no circumstance is admissible in evidenceagainst an accused. The section deals with confessions made not onlywhen the accused was free and not in police custody but also with theone made by such a person before any investigation had begun. Theexpression "accused of any offence" in Section 25 would cover the caseof an accused who has since been put on trial, whether or not at thetime when he made the confessional statement, he was under arrest orin custody as an accused in that case or not. Inadmissibility of aconfessional statement made to a police officer under Section 25 ofthe Evidence Act is based on the ground of public policy. Section 25of the Evidence Act not only bars proof of admission of an offence byan accused to a police officer or made by him while in the custody ofa police officer but also the admission contained in the confessionalstatement of all incriminating facts relating to the commission of anoffence. Section 26 of the Evidence Act deals with partial ban to theadmissibility of confessions made to a person other than a policeofficer but we are not concerned with it in this case. Section 27 ofthe Evidence Act is in the nature of a proviso or an exception, whichpartially lifts the ban imposed by Sections 25 and 26 of the EvidenceAct and makes admissible so much of such information, whether itamounts to a confession or not, as relates to the fact therebydiscovered, when made by a person accused of an offence while inpolice custody. Under Section 164 CrPC a statement or confession madein the course of an investigation, may be recorded by a Magistrate,subject to the safeguards imposed by the section itself and can berelied upon at the trial.19. From a careful perusal of this first information report we findthat it discloses the motive for the murder and the manner in whichthe appellant committed the six murders. The appellant produced thebloodstained sword with which according to him he committed themurders. In our opinion the first information report Ex. P-42, howeveris not a wholly confessional statement, but only that part of it isadmissible in evidence which does not amount to a confession and isnot hit by the provisions of Section 25 of the Evidence Act. Therelationship of the appellant with the deceased; the motive forcommission of the crime and the presence of his sister-in-law PW 11 donot amount to the confession of committing any crime. Those statementsare non-confessional in nature and can be used against the appellantas evidence under Section 8 of the Evidence Act. The production andseizure of the sword by the appellant at the police station which wasbloodstained, is also saved by the provisions of the Evidence Act.However, the statement that the sword had been used to commit themurders as well as the manner of committing the crime is clearlyinadmissible in evidence. Thus, to the limited extent as we havenoticed above and save to that extent only the other portion of thefirst information report Ex. P-42 must be excluded from evidence asthe rest of the statement amounts to confession of committing thecrime and is not admissible in evidence."(Emphasis added)12. In this context we can also refer to a recent decision of this Courtin Sandeep v. State of Uttar Pradesh - 2012 (6) SCC 107. In para 52,the legal position as regards the admissibility of some part of thestatement of the accused, which can be treated as admission has beenexplained as under in para 52:52. We find force in the submission of the learned Senior Counsel forthe State. It is quite common that based on admissible portion of thestatement of the accused whenever and wherever recoveries are made,the same are admissible in evidence and it is for the accused in thosesituations to explain to the satisfaction of the court as to thenature of recoveries and as to how they came into possession or forplanting the same at the places from where they were recovered.Similarly, this part of the statement which does not in any wayimplicate the accused but is mere statement of facts would only amountto mere admissions which can be relied upon for ascertaining the otherfacts which are intrinsically connected with the occurrence, while atthe same time, the same would not in any way result in implicating theaccused in the offence directly.(Emphasis added)13. Since the confessional statement was made before the investigatingofficer (PW-9), it is necessary to note what exactly was theconfession stated to have been made, which enabled the IO to make someprogress in his investigation. According to PW-9, he recorded theconfession of the appellant at 11.30 p.m. on 23.04.2002. He alsostated that based on the information furnished by the appellant, healso arrested Arun Mandal who also made a confession, which wasidentical to the one made by the appellant. Though PW-9 would referto very many statements alleged to have been admitted by the appellantand co-accused Arun Mandal, in our considered opinion, the only partof the admission, which can be noted and accepted as admissible in theevidence related to the identification of the place where the deadbody of the deceased Chhotu was found, based on the admission of theappellant and the co-accused.14. Insofar as the said part of the evidence of PW-9 read along with theadmission found in Exhibits-4 and 5 is concerned, it has come out inevidence that the appellant was taken to the place called Maldiha Dhar(a river stream) along with PW-4, the paternal uncle of the deceasedwhere the dead body of the deceased Chhotu was recovered from thewater of Maldiha Dhar. PW-9 stated that since Maldiha Dhar (stream)fell within the jurisdiction of Barhara P.S., of district Purnea, hecould not immediately lift the body from that place, that he left thedead body at that very place under the protection of armed forces and,therefore, after getting necessary official clearance, the body washanded over to the police station of his jurisdiction and the same wassent for carrying out necessary post mortem. PW-4 in his evidence alsocorroborated the above said version of PW-9 by stating that heproceeded along with PW-9, as guided by the appellant and co accusedArun Mandal and that they reached the place Maldiha Dhar, where thedead body was found as pointed out by the appellant and co accused.He also stated that he identified the dead body as that of his nephew,Chhotu the deceased. He further stated that the eyes of the dead bodywere open, the tongue was protruding out and that there were marks ofthrottling in the neck of the deceased.15. From the above evidence of PW-9, supported by the version of PW-4, ithas come to light that at the instance of the appellant and the co-accused Arun Mandal, the body of the deceased Chhotu was recoveredfrom Maldiha Dhar (river stream) and that it was noted at that timethe eyes of the dead body and the tongue were protruding out. Therewere also signs of marks on the neck of the deceased Chhotu. The saidpart of the confessional statement as recorded by PW-9, cannot be saidto straightaway implicate the appellant and the co-accused to thekilling of the deceased. Leaving aside the rest of the part of theadmission, the identity of the place at the instance of the appellantand the co-accused, as to where the dead body of the deceased waslying, which was exclusively within the knowledge of the appellant,was certainly admissible by virtue of the application of Section 8,read along with Section 27 of the Evidence Act.16. In such circumstances, in the absence of any convincing explanationoffered on behalf of the appellant accused as to under whatcircumstances he was able to lead the Police party to the place wherethe dead body of the deceased was found, it will have to be held thatsuch recovery of the dead body, which is a very clinching circumstancein the case of this nature, would act deadly against the appellantconsidered along with rest of the circumstances demonstrated by theprosecution to rope in the appellant in the alleged crime of thekilling of the deceased. Therefore, once we find that there wasdefinite admission on behalf of the appellant by which the prosecutingagency was able to recover the body of the deceased from a place,which was within the special knowledge of the appellant, the onlyother aspect to be examined is whether the appellant came forward withany convincing explanation to get over the said admission.Unfortunately though the above incriminating circumstance was put tothe appellant in the 313 questioning where he had an opportunity toexplain, except a mere denial there was no other convincingexplanation offered by him.17. Thus, we reach a conclusion that the said circumstance of recovery ofthe body of the deceased from the place called Maldiha Dhar (a riverstream) at the instance of the appellant as spoken to by PW-9,supported by the evidence of PW4, we have to only see whether rest ofthe circumstances considered by the trial Court, as well as the HighCourt, were sufficient to confirm the ultimate conviction of theappellant and the sentence imposed on him. On this aspect when weperused the judgment of the trial Court, as well as the High Court,the following circumstances have been found to be established:(i) PW-1 referred to the factum of the appellant attempting to ride amotorcycle in a narrow lane opposite to the shop of PW-1 and that whenPW-1 advised him that vehicle cannot pass through the said lane theappellant parked the said motorcycle near the shop of PW-1 and wentaway to Thakurbari on foot;(ii) PW-1 was asked by the father of the accused who was also arrayedas A-3, namely, Girendra Gupta who requested PW-1 not to divulge thesaid fact about the parking of the motorcycle to anyone;(iii) According to PW-4, the uncle of the deceased, while he alongwith others were searching for the deceased he was informed by an oldlady that she saw two persons going in a motorcycle with a boy sittingin between them though she could not identify any of them due todarkness.(iv) The deceased who went to attend the Mela at about 8 or 9 p.m. on21.04.2002 did not return back as spoken to by PW-7.(v) The body of the deceased was recovered from Maldiha Dhar (a riverstream) based on the identification of the appellant.(vi) When the body was recovered it was noted that the eyeball wasbulging out and the tongue was protruding out apart from bruises notedon both sides of the neck.(vii) The postmortem report of PW-10 confirms that the death of thedeceased was due to asphyxia by strangulating the neck of thedeceased. The said postmortem report also made it clear that eyeballwas bulging and the tongue was protruding out and the abrasions onboth sides of the neck were also noted.(viii) The admissible version of the confessional statement of theappellant also revealed that his father A-3 asked PW-1 not to disclosethe fact about the parking of a motorcycle of the appellant near hisshop.(ix) The recovery of the motorcycle bearing registration No.BR-39 0148used by the appellant at the instance of the appellant from his housewhich was marked as Ext.8.(x) PW-10 the postmortem doctor in the course of the cross-examinationconfirmed that he could mention the cause of death with certainty andthat in any case it was not a case of drowning.18. The above circumstances having been found to be fully established, theconclusion of the trial Court, as well that of the High Court inholding that the chain of circumstances was complete in every respectin order to lead to the only conclusion that the appellant wassquarely responsible for the killing of the deceased, was welljustified. Though the learned counsel for the appellant attempted topoint out some discrepancy in the matter of arrest of Arun Mandal andrecording of the alleged confessional statement of the appellant underExt.4, pursuant to which the body was traced out, we are of the viewthat the said discrepancy was a very trivial one and on that score wedo not find any scope to dislodge the findings of the Courts below. Weare, therefore, convinced that the ultimate conviction of theappellant under Section 302 of IPC and the sentence of lifeimprisonment imposed on him by commuting the death penalty imposed bythe trial Court, was perfectly justified and we do not find any goodgrounds to interfere with the same. The appeal fails and the same isdismissed.………….……….…………………………..J.[A.K. Patnaik]...……….…….………………………………J.[Fakkir Mohamed Ibrahim Kalifulla]New Delhi;July 24, 2013.

ANUJ KUMAR GUPTA @ SETHI GUPTA Vs. STATE OF BIHAR-24 July 2013-Supreme Court Judgments
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